We sit down with Alizee Buysschaert founder of Zerowasteshanghai.com for 5 minutes of quick fire questions
Best and hardest thing about being an entrepreneur in Shanghai?
Best: Meeting incredible people
Worst: Self-inflicted pressure, competition
Biggest lesson learnt? Don’t have any expectations, believe in your network
Best advice you have every received? Dream and think Big
Advice to give to someone starting out? Go for it
Biggest challenge? Time management
Which companies do you see as role models for what you are doing? Sweat (By Kayla Itsines) because they grew from community just like us, their leaders I feel are genuine, real
Single biggest habit change that has brought you the most contentment? Working out
What books or films are you influenced most at the moment by?
Books The power of habit (Charles Duhigg) From Zero to One (Peter Thiel) Independence now
Films Tomorrow (Demain)
What piece of advice would you give yourself 5 years from now? Stay adventurous
3 items you have the most attachments to and why? My jewelry-I love my jewelry, my phone-it’s my life and a scrapbook-it’s been with me forever
Most inspiring place visited? Morocco
What’s next for you? Keep doing what I’m doing
What would you want your legacy to be in 3 words or less? Social and environmental impact
To learn more //www.zerowasteshanghai.com/